Plusnet Router IP and Login Instructions

To login and configure your Plusnet router you will need 2 things:

  1. IP address of your Plusnet router
  2. Username and password

This guide will show you how to aqcuire both, and how to use them for logging in to your router.

Step 1: Find out your Plusnet router's IP

First we will need to figure out the IP address of your router.

Here you have 4 easy options. There are also harder ways, but why bother with those?

a) Use our web tool while connected to your router

The far easiest way, provided that you have access to connect to the network of the router, is to go over to our automatic tool page and it will find your Plusnet router's IP in a jiff.

Auto find IP address

b) Try the most commmon default IPs for Plusnet

Comparing all Plusnet models, these are the most common default IP addresses:


c) Try the most commonly reported IPs for Plusnet

205 users of our tool have reported the IP addresses for their Plusnet routers and here is the summary of the most common addresses.

IP address Reports % 85 41.5 54 26.3 10 4.9 7 3.4

d) Lookup the defaults for your sepcific model

In the next step where you can lookup the username and password for your specific Plusnet model, you will also see the default IP address for that model.

Step 2: Find out the credentials (username & password) for your Plusnet router

If you don't know the username and password to your router, you can find it out in the following way. This only works as long as you haven't changed the username and password previosly.

If you, or someone, has changed the default password and can't remember it, you might have to perform a reset of your router to get it back to the default values. See here how to reset your Plusnet router here.

a) Check the sticker on your router

If you take a peek at the bottom or backside of your Plusnet router you will see find a sticker. This sticker should have info about the username and password

b) Try the default settings

Following are the most common default settings for Plusnet routers.

IP Address
SSID (Wifi name)

If these settings don't work, lookup your sepcific model instead.

c) Plusnet model lookup

Start typing in the field below and we will show you the models. (minimum 3 characters)

Don't include "Plusnet" in search query

Step 3: How to login to your Plusnet router

Now when you have the router's IP address and also the credentials needed, it will be a piece of cake to login to your Plusnet router.

1. Open your browser and navigate to the IP you figured out in Step 1

In the url field simply enter the IP address that you figured out.

Sometimes the browser can misinterpret the IP address and tries to search for it instead, to fix this you should add http:// in front of the IP before hitting enter.

2. Enter the username and password for your router

This is as easy as it sounds, simply enter the username and password for your router, and click login. If all goes well you will now be logged in to your Plusnet router and can make the modifications you want.

Step 4: Configuring your Plusnet router

Once you are logged in to your router you can make the modifications you want.

How to configure your Plusnet router is out of the scope of this article, but we can recommend that you always jot down the previous settings on a paper, so that you can revert changes if things stop working.


We have now shown you how to do the following:

  • Find out the IP address of your router
  • Figure out the credentials to use
  • Login to the web interface of your router

If you have questions or comments, you can leave them in the comments section below.

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